La Sociedad de Hombres de San Pedro desea darle la bienvenida a una hora de café en el salón parroquial, el domingo 19 de enero de 2025, después de las misas de 7:30 a. m. y 9:00 a. m. y 10:30 a. m. No hay ningún cargo por asistir. Simplemente baja y conoce a viejos y nuevos amigos después de la misa del domingo por la mañana.
The St. Peter’s Men’s Society would like to welcome you to a Coffee Hour in the Parish’s Hall, on Sunday January 19, 2025 after the 7:30AM, 9:00AM and 10:30am masses. There is no charge to attend Just come down and meet new and old friends after Sunday morning mass.
Las clases comienzan el 15 de septiembre de 2024 a las 10:30 horas. Este domingo es el Domingo Catequético, una oportunidad para que todos los catequistas y las familias se vuelvan a dedicar
a la misión de transmitir la fe y ser testimonio del Evangelio como comunidad de fe. En breve los padres de los alumnos matriculados recibirán un correo electrónico con toda la información de la clase, incluida la tarea de clase y el aula de su hijo. Si tienes alguna pregunta llame al 203 7431048 o envíe un correo electrónico: [email protected] a la oficina.
Classes begin September 15, 2024, at 10:30. This Sunday is Catechetical Sunday, an opportunity for all catechists and families to rededicate themselves to the mission of handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel as a community of faith. Shortly parents of registered students will receive an email
with all class information including your child’s class assignment and classroom. If you have any questions
please call 203 7431048 or email: [email protected] the office
Come, dive into the mysteries of the Scriptures. We can do this together beginning Thursday, September 19th, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. We believe God desires to renew His Church and this renewal will happen through you!
The 26th Annual Twilight Cruise or Fishing Trip. Spend a day or evening taking a cruise along the coast of Long Island Sound, aboard the Deborah Ann IV.You will be able to see the various coastal mansions and lighthouses along Long Island Sound's beautiful coast line. If you prefer your party can spend a day of fishing aboard the Deborah Ann IV in Long Island Sound. Trip date based on boat availability, to suit the winner and weather. The proceeds will honor Sister Marita Daniel. All proceeds will go to Saint Peter School students to supplement school activities. Suggested donation is $5.00 and will be available after all of masses and from any Men’s Society member. The drawing will be held Tuesday, July 16, 2024.
St. Peter Church is launching a new musical events series entitled 7 at Seven. Throughout the year, seven musical events are being planned for seven Friday evenings beginning at 7pm. Events will range from Choral Vespers and a Christmas Concert, to organ recitals, including another silent movie. All events are free and open to the public (free will offerings are gladly accepted to defray costs). Click for a full preview!
Adoration and Healing Service with Father Sean Kulacz, June 23, 2023 at 7:00 p.m at St. Peter Church. Laying on of hands (by choice) For healing in body, mind and spirit ***Bring a Friend***
The annual Tag sale will be held October 7th at St Peter Church Hall. On Saturday Vendors will also be in the Church Parking Lot. Kitchen will be open for snacks and refreshments. Time is from 9am to 2pm. Come and enjoy the fun and maybe pick up an item or two.
Our Children's Choir will begin rehearsals this Thursday (September 15) from 5:00-6:30pm. All children from grades 3-12 are welcome! Sign up online, or simply show up to rehearsal in the Music Room (St. Peter basement). For more information, contact our Music Director, Glen Segger, at [email protected].
Do you like to sing? Our parish choir is always looking to welcome new members. We rehearse Thursday evenings from 7:30-9:00, and sing weekly at the 10:30am Mass. For more information, contact our Music Director, Glen Segger, at [email protected].
Welcome to the Saint Peter Church parish! Joining our parish is easy and simple to do. Please go to the Join Our Parish Section of the web site, or click on the icon to the left of this text, and follow the instructions.
Religious Education Classes 2023/2024 Classes begin in September with Mass at 9:00. We will ask that all students and parents join us to celebrate Mass and to acknowledge those who have listened to the call to teach
The Community of St. Peters is ready to pray for any special need you may be facing. For any of your intentions contact us online via prayer request line at [email protected]. Click here for more details
The drawing was held on Tuesday July 16, and the winner of this year's Twilight Cruise is Scott Downy. Congratulations Scott! Thank you to all who participated in this annual raffle raising funds for the Sister Marita Daniel scholarship Fund.
Bible Study & Bites meets every Thursday evening at 5:30 PM in the Parish Hall. We are using Bishop Barron's study of "The Mass" for our current sessions
Our good friend, Bob the gold man, will buy your “old gold” and hand you a check. Then, over 60% of whatever profits are made after the refining process, will be donated in your name, to SAINT PETER CHURCH !